
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Photography Tips Series: Tip # 3- Editing

 Editing may be necessary if you are in the same boat and don't have a professional camera to give your photos a more professional look. Depending on how you edit it, it should not cover up the natural beauty of the photo. The real  beauty of the angle and picture idea itself is still there. Here is an example. This is definitely one of my more minor edits but you can see that the contrast has been boosted so there is not so much of a grey tone like there is over the original.
 The photos above just need some retouching but when you actually want to change the whole feel of the photo and add special effects, it's a much more noticeable


For all my exotic animal lovers out there, I have something in mind that you might enjoy! ;) Now don't get your hopes up too high. Let me explain. I have applied for a summer internship at the Columbian Park Zoo. I have made it as far as the individual interviews and will receive a call on April 1st whether I made it or not. Fingers crossed! I'll let you know if I got in ASAP. But I wanted to just get you guys excited for a new addition if I do  make it! I'm not so sure about the name of the segment but that's where YOU guys come in! Comment below with any good names for a segment that contains Zoo animal pictures, facts, funny stories, my experience, etc... If I get the job, I am POSITIVE that you guys will enjoy this new series. 

I'm Back!

Hey guys! I apologize for being gone so long... But I'm going to be posting more often now that summer is right around the corner! I have some fresh ideas as well that I think you'll be excited about. Some new segments I'm 
planning on having are "Diary of an Outdoor Cat" and possibly a section including zoo animals which I will explain in a future post. "Diary of an Outdoor Cat" will be a randomly posted journal entry written from the perspective of Murphy or Snowball. These will be short and packed full of fun so be on the lookout for those :) Thanks for being patient! 
