
Saturday, June 18, 2011

SUN SHINES: cute-kitten Images
My flower in our pool
This is a picture that I just took today. I have a tree in my backyard that grows these flowers and I tested it in different locations. I first tried more porch and then the pool, which got me the picture above. :)

Getting Great Pictures of your Pets Using your iPod Touch or iPhone

Hey everyone! Have you ever been in a situation when your trying to get a picture and you're waiting for the right moment to snap it? Well with this method you are snapping pictures the whole time! So today I wanted to talk about something that I have found very helpful when I want to get good pictures of my cats or any animal. I take a video. Now, I know what your thinking, your thinking, "But I don't want a video I want pictures." Well there's a secret. So I will now show you how to get great photos from your videos. 
As you can see, you can get much better  photos when you use this method. It may take some more time but it's worth it. Now don't get me wrong, I still take pictures. I don't always use this method. But I use it when I want a lot of cute pictures. Not just one. 

Photography Tips Series: Tip #2- Captioning

  • Hey everyone!

  • Captioning photos can really add emotion to your photo. It can also help control how you want the viewer to be impacted when they look at your picture. Take your time when you are thinking of captions. ask yourself these questions:

This caption is more of a fun one. This photo also
calls for a caption, for standing alone it would
be nothing. I took this picture specifically for
a caption. You can do that too.
  • What is the initial feeling I get when I look at my photo?
  • How do I want my viewers to feel and react?
  • Is anything I'm saying offensive?
These are just a few of the questions you can ask yourself. Here are some of my photos that I have added a frame and a caption to. Captions can take pictures to a whole different level. It can change the idea of a picture entirely or go along with it and enhance it. 

This is a more random photo. The caption
doesn't necessarily have to go hand in hand
with the photo. 

Maybe we should start with the dictionary definition of caption. a title or explanation for a picture or illustration
I really like this definition. It's clear and to the point and is all you need to know! You are helping the viewer understand your photo. However, in magazines when there are pictures, its telling you whats in the picture. When you want a caption like the ones you see below and above, you don't want to tell whats in the picture, you want to portray the emotion that's in the picture. (please read all captions of photos for further tips)

This photo where without the caption, it would just be a pretty picture. The caption
helps you notice, "oh yes, there are fallen leaves on the ground and color is fading.
Summer must be over and winter is coming." 
Which emotion does this trigger? For me, its excitement, like I have
ants in my pants so to speak. However, since these captions are seasonal,
meaning that it would be a little different to read this in the middle of summer,
It requires the right time to be at its peak of interest.

This pictures shows a close-up of warm colored berries.
This just screams at me "summer!" When you are
reading this caption in the bitter cold winter, this just
builds the anticipation for a warm summer!

With this picture to the left, It as well as the first picture, kind of requires a caption in a way. Standing alone, it really has no meaning, and is just a picture of grass. But somehow the caption warms up the picture. It seems like you can feel a warm breeze and you can see the grass moving. It just so fun to play with captions! I hope you enjoy doing! 

Photography Tips Series: Tip #1

I took a cluster of flowers and put them in a VERY
unattractive placement to symbolize beauty in the
In this photo, I found a stump in our yard where my
dad had cut a cross into so we could fill it with tree killer.
I looked at it in a different way and took the flower
and made this result!
Hey everyone! Do you live in a yard where you feel that there is nothing worth taking a picture of? Well think again! My yard does not have pretty views, or tons of gorgeous gardens and fountains but I find ways to take really pretty pictures! For example, i will show you one of my very first pictures:  In these pictures, I simply picked a cluster of flowers and placed them in unusual locations. (please read the captions for each photo) The trick is, is to look at everyday things in a different lights, as I did with a dead tree stump. You can make old things beautiful.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Can Cats be Trained to do Tricks Like Dogs?

Hey this is Ruby! Most people think that it is impossible to train a cat to do tricks. I will admit, its difficult. But it is possible! My cat Murphy is an unusually trainable cat. I have taught him to sit, shake, and give a high five. Want proof? By tomorrow I will have posted a video of my own cat doing all of the above. Keep an eye out! :)

Murphy and Snowball

 These are my babies. Snowball is 11 years old. Her birthday is March 30th. Her and Murphy are outdoor cats only. We got Snowball from a litter my aunt and uncle had. I was only two years old. Murphy was a stray and we took him in when he was around 6 months. We went 6 months back from the day we found him and gave him the birthday April 9th. He is three years old. I love them both!
This is Muprhy!

I love how Murphy's in the background


The Bumblebee

I took this picture a few months ago on my mom's digital camera in my back yard.

Cats and Photography: Cats

Cats and Photography: Cats: "If you don't want to see everything and you are only interested in the cats, click here!"

Hey Everybody!

Hey, this is Ruby! I have just started this blog. This blog is going to be oriented around my cats, Snowball and Murphy, and my photography! I do not have an extravagant camera so this is really reaching out to people who can't afford to get a great camera, yet can still create great pictures. I will also be telling people about my cats and be posting pictures. I love discussions so please get involved! Thank you and enjoy!